Friday, January 29, 2010

Polar Plunge for Special Olympics

I am so proud to announce that my darling husband, Raymond, is a fan of brrrrrravery!

On Saturday, March 6th, he will be freezing for reason as he plunges into the icey cold waters of Rend Lake as a fundraiser for Special Olympics. I've been coaching the Mt. Vernon Township High School Special Olympics team for 7 years now and he has been a faithful assistant of sorts, by default of marriage. Even so, he has been bit by the bug . . . the infectious bug of great sportsmanship, enthusiasm, accomplishment, courage, determination, success, and so much more! Ray has been a great promotor of our Special Olympics team. As a substitute teacher at MVTHS, he has been able to share the accomplishments of the team and encourage many students to get involved by showing their support for the team. He is often able to get the least likely sort of students to come out and cheer on the team. I am often hesitant when he tells me about certain students that want to get involved. The students almost always turn out to be the hardest workers, the most loyal of supporters, and the ones that are never afraid to congratulate the athletes in the cafeteria in front of their own peers. For this, I am so very thankful to have my husband promoting the team.

Through the Polar Plunge, he will not only be raising money that will be used in our area for local events for the athletes, but he will also be raising awareness that the athletes are worthy individuals. They are worthy of our time, love, encouragement, and dedication. Please help me promote my husband as diligently as he promotes the MVTHS Special Olympics team. Please check the widget to the right and donate what you can for Ray to "be a fan of brrrrrravery!"

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pain, Pain, Go Away -OR- Get Over It!?!?!?

Since February 2009, I've had an unrelenting pain in my lower right pelvis and after numerous tests, it's origin is unknown. I have varying levels of pain each and every day without any apparent connection to anything. After receiving the results from my latest test, a CT Scan with Barium and IV contrast, it appears that *nothing* is wrong because this test also came back normal. Generally receiving normal medical test results is a refreshing relief after lots of worry, however in my case it is horrible news because I was in despair for a diagnosis so treatment could begin, along with a pain-free future. After the call today, tears have been shed, more Internet searches conducted, and long talks to myself and others inside and outside my head have occurred. I would love to find out what is causing this and a way to *fix* it, but alas I'm now not sure if I am willing to go through more tests just to get *normal* results and ride the emotional roller coaster. While passing through an emotional low, I was able to see my future through a tear-stained determination. Although I have pain, it has yet to terribly impact my daily activities in a negative way. Therefore, I have resolved (poignant that this is nearly the eve of a *new year*) to just GET OVER IT! I resolve to not let my pain take time of worry away from my family and my happiness. I have spent, literally, HOURS searching for possible diagnoses online and in books. I have also spent an inordinate amount of time typing out my symptoms and journaling the pain. This is all not mentioning the time spent preparing for and worrying about appointments/tests. Last, but not least, all the money spent on co-pays and deductibles. Just last week, before my latest and most hopeful test, the CT scan, I was telling my sister that in a strange way I don't want to know what is wrong because of how much it would potentially cost to treat. Now it doesn't matter. I am going to get over it! Every time I feel the dull-aching or stabbing pelvic pain, I will read a book to my son and kiss him between pages. Every time the pain wraps around my back, I will hug my husband. Every time the pain shoots down my leg, I will snuggle my dog. The pain will not stop me from living, instead it will drive me to live and appreciate all that I have. Maybe, just maybe, as I "get over it" the "pain WILL go away."


A New Year and A New Blog

However it happened, it happened . . . I lost my password to my original blog and since we changed internet companies, I changed email addresses too. Therefore I cannot, for the life of me, access my previous blog . . . hence "A New Blog." I hope to have a new post each week and I apologize for any inconvenience from my forgetfulness! Happy New Year!
